
en (AI)

Teka-Teki Silang

31 Maret 2024 oleh rizkydenianto (18 Juli 2024 - 22.34)

Teka-Teki Silang (TTS) is a game played by filling empty space with answers from instructions provided in rows vertically or horizontally.


This page will show a list of crosswords that users can play with, along with information such as titles and the number of clues and answers for each point. Then the list can be sorted based on the most popular, most recent, or random TTS.

TTS menu page

TTS menu page


This page will display the TTS gameboard. The player can click on the board to open the list of hints and answers, then click again to the instructions you wish to reply. The reply box can be typed directly after the player chooses one of the instructions.

Video playing TTS

Winning Condition

The notification of victory will appear when the player wins the game by answering all the answers correctly according to the instructions given, after which the player will be directed back to the TTS veranda.

Videos win crosswords

Consuming Clues and Answers

The first column is a column to enter the second column to include the answer. Each point of the guide and answer is separated by enter and each one has to have a minimum of 5 points. Some instructions may not be shown if the answer cannot be compiled with another answer.

Video drafting Clues and TTS Answers



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